495th Valkyries - 48th Fighter Sqn RAF Lakenheath.

Geoffrey flies with the 495th Valkyries
Written by
Shaun Westell

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our good friend " Evil " of 495th Valkyries at RAF Lakenheath for their incredible donation to louise’s Brighter Future Just Giving Page today, it came as an amazing surprise and deeply touched Amanda and I, as well as all at Team Giraffe. The Squadron have been absolutely amazing, and we have been blessed with making some amazing friendships and thanks to you all for taking Geoffrey under their wings.

Cannot thank you all enough for your support! You guys made Geoffrey 5th generation 💚

As you can see, Geoffrey spent the morning preparing for he’s first amazing flight with the 495th Valkyries in the F-35A Lightning.

What an honour and a privilege to see Geoffrey with our friends of this amazing squadron 💚

A huge thanks to everyone at the 48th Fighter Wing.RAF Lakenheath

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