Flt Lt Mark Scott takes Geoffrey on his first RAF Voyager Sortie.

Geoffrey goes up with Flt Lt Mark Scott, they both got some amazing airborne images.
Written by
Shaun Westell

I have just discovered the Giraffes on Tour website after seeing an item on BBC news. I am a pilot in the RAF and have a daughter (aged 9) who absolutely loves giraffes. For the past 6 years flying Voyager, whenever I have flown to Kenya she has asked me to take one of her giraffes for an adventure. We were so pleased to find out that so many others have been having similar adventures this whole time! Here are some photos of the things they have seen; next time I go I shall be thinking about Louise and the fantastic work of Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Congratulations on your award, keep those giraffes in the sky! ✈️🦒

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