The Shuttleworth Collection

Geoffrey re-visits The Shuttleworth Collection
Written by
Shaun Westell

4th July saw us again visit one of our favourite places, The Shuttleworth Collection.

The staff have always welcomed Mascot "Geoffrey the Giraffe " with open arms and do their utmost to accommodate us, with Louise & Geoffrey, with what is a very busy day for all the staff members.

Our grateful thanks to them all.

Whilst sat having our dinner with the car I was quite surprised how many people stopped by and said hello.

Many had your Geoffrey Giraffes🦒🦒💜🦒 with you.

Glad those we met are enjoying  Giraffes On Tour it really is a team effort by all the Team members.

It was really nice to get good positive feedback regards our efforts at Giraffes On Tour from you guys it means a lot thank you. 🦒💜🦒

Geoffrey's latest aircraft flights, he was lucky enough to be airborne in all the aircraft pictured here, Hawker Hurricane MK1 P3717, Hunting (Percival) Piston Provost T.1 and final Avro 621 Tutor from the Shuttleworth collection.

The images above all taken by Professional Aviation Photographer, Darren Habar many thanks to Darren for those.

Geoffrey had a quick nosey around Westland Sea King HC4 ZA314 from Historic Helicopters, a chat with the pilots, and as you may guess, he posed for a piccy with the pilots to. many thanks to the aircrew from Historic Helicopters👍🚁🚁

Historic Helicopters🦒💜🦒

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